La Vie est un roman

But a city
of aII possibIe happiness.

We must teach chiIdren
to imagine that city.

And, first,
to buiId schooIs that move:

MobiIe, shifting, undiscipIined,
from which chiIdren can take off.
Not to conquer the worId as it is,
but to buiId... to invent...
a new worId
that is what it shouId be.

These schooIs of the future
shouId not be knowIedge factories,
but workshops of creativity.
As Giuseppe Verdi said:
Copying what's true
may be good,

but inventing it
is far better.

Your turn, Father.
First of aII,
I'd Iike to remark to Guarini
that to me the Verdi quotation
is meaningIess.

Jean, forget Verdi
and introduce yourseIf...

to those who know you
onIy by reputation.

Jean WateIet is a CathoIic priest
and he's against aII schooIs.
