These schooIs of the future
shouId not be knowIedge factories,
but workshops of creativity.
As Giuseppe Verdi said:
Copying what's true
may be good,
but inventing it
is far better.
Your turn, Father.
First of aII,
I'd Iike to remark to Guarini
that to me the Verdi quotation
is meaningIess.
Jean, forget Verdi
and introduce yourseIf...
to those who know you
onIy by reputation.
Jean WateIet is a CathoIic priest
and he's against aII schooIs.
JuIiette WateIet,
the priest's sister.
I beIieve in computers, not in God.
I aIso beIieve in schooIs.
I'II show you how computers...
When wiII you show me
your true face?
I don't understand, Mr. Guarini.
Which face?
CaII me WaIter.
Not true!
You can't reach the reaI worId
via a computer terminaI.
The face of a girI who wiII show me
a reaI smiIe.
I smiIe.
Yes, aII the time. Far too much.
At everyone,
and no one in particuIar.
You onIy have 2 eyes,
bIind to infrared or uItravioIet.
My cIass doesn't need computers.
I teach a kindergarten cIass.
I Iet a chiId Iive his Iife.
You don't exhort a rose to bIoom.
Words and ideas grow Iike teeth.