La Vie est un roman

JuIiette WateIet,
the priest's sister.

I beIieve in computers, not in God.
I aIso beIieve in schooIs.
I'II show you how computers...
When wiII you show me
your true face?

I don't understand, Mr. Guarini.
Which face?

CaII me WaIter.
Not true!
You can't reach the reaI worId
via a computer terminaI.

The face of a girI who wiII show me
a reaI smiIe.

I smiIe.
Yes, aII the time. Far too much.
At everyone,
and no one in particuIar.

You onIy have 2 eyes,
bIind to infrared or uItravioIet.
My cIass doesn't need computers.
I teach a kindergarten cIass.
I Iet a chiId Iive his Iife.
You don't exhort a rose to bIoom.
Words and ideas grow Iike teeth.
My teeth ache.
No roses without a gardener.
I see we agree on a common goaI:
deveIoping the facuIties
and happiness of our chiIdren.
Instead of mocking us,
introduce yourseIf:

Robert Dufresne,
our secretary-treasurer,

a speciaIist in chiIdren's games
and their roIe
in deveIoping inteIIigence.

The Jesus chiId...
Bravo, Robert!
You have perfectIy conveyed
the substance of your work.
