My teeth ache.
No roses without a gardener.
I see we agree on a common goaI:
deveIoping the facuIties
and happiness of our chiIdren.
Instead of mocking us,
introduce yourseIf:
Robert Dufresne,
our secretary-treasurer,
a speciaIist in chiIdren's games
and their roIe
in deveIoping inteIIigence.
The Jesus chiId...
Bravo, Robert!
You have perfectIy conveyed
the substance of your work.
It might be shocking,
but I find it very originaI,
very modern. Yes, modern.
So you think that's modern.
WeII, I don't! Not at aII.
I'm not arguing with it.
I approve, I cheer it.
It's a return to the source
of the imaginary,
to a tribaI cuIture.
CuIture needs Ianguage.
I don't mean to skip Ianguage,
but what's needed...
Nora WinkIe is with us.
She dared masquerade as a man,
and work
in minus-81 degree temperature
in Canada
to write the revoIutionary report:
''The SexuaI Fantasies
of James Bay Workmen''.