I could hit you.
Wouldn't that humiliate you?
I could tie you up.
That's perversion, not therapy.
Get out, and don't come back.
Good! You're upset. Think what
it'll be like when I punch you.
Get out before I punch you!
This is most gratifying, Mr Happer.
It vindicates my entire theory.
I've got your ego on the run,
you piece of shit!
Sorry, sir, that just slipped out.
We can't give up now.
You're a star patient.
I might have to raise my fee
when we do get physical,
but it won't be unreasonable!
Mrs Wyatt, cancel all future
appointments with Moritz...
and get me Hawaii.
I want Fisher at the observatory.
Hello, Danny.
Good morning, Mr Macintyre.
We'll give "Yur-gu-hart" 24 hours.
Look at the birds.
They look like seagulls.
No. They're too small for seagulls,
and they're not white.
They'll get wet.
Maybe they're waterproof.
Huh! You get waterproof birds?
Oh, yeah. Sure you do.