You know who that is?
Luis and Miguel Echevarría.
They got the biggest distribution setup
from here to Houston...
...Tucson, all down that way.
What do you think of that?
You see that fat bastard?
That's Nacho Contreras.
El gordo!
He's got more cash
than anybody in this place.
He's a real chaza!
You know what a ''chaza'' is?
No, Frank, you tell me. What is a ''chaza''?
It's the Yiddish word for ''pig.''
The guy wants more than what he needs.
He don't fly straight no more.
So, it comes down to one thing,
Tony boy, and you never forget it.
Lesson Number 1 :
Don't underestimate
the other guy's greed!
Lesson Number 2:
Don't get high on your own supply.
That's right. Lesson Number 2:
Don't get high on your own supply.
'Course, not everybody follows the rules.
Your champagne, Mr. López.
-That is '64?
-The best, Mr. López.
Omar, you pour it, and you bring
another bottle right away, will you?
$550 for this bottle, Tony.
What do you think of that?
-That's pretty good.
-For a bunch of fucking grapes.
So, here's to old friends
and to new friends.