So, it comes down to one thing,
Tony boy, and you never forget it.
Lesson Number 1 :
Don't underestimate
the other guy's greed!
Lesson Number 2:
Don't get high on your own supply.
That's right. Lesson Number 2:
Don't get high on your own supply.
'Course, not everybody follows the rules.
Your champagne, Mr. López.
-That is '64?
-The best, Mr. López.
Omar, you pour it, and you bring
another bottle right away, will you?
$550 for this bottle, Tony.
What do you think of that?
-That's pretty good.
-For a bunch of fucking grapes.
So, here's to old friends
and to new friends.
How you like it, Tony?
-That's good, Frank.
-That's good?
-Like you say, man.
-That's good!
I'm gonna get you new clothes, too.
I'm gonna get you $550 suits...
...so you look real sharp.
'Cause I want you to work for me.
I want you and your boys
to work with Omar here.
We are going to do something big
next month.
We are running a string of mules
from Colombia.
You do good on that,
there'll be some other things.
That sounds like fun to me, Frank.
You want a cigar?