We should go to the outer office.
You know anyone in this picture?
Not really.
I think they're friends
of the chief's son.
And this girl?
The dyke? Yeah.
Everybody knows Ray Parkins.
She's just a local. Why?
Looks familiar.
I thought I'd seen her somewhere.
It's hard not to run across her
in San Paulo.
Why didn't you call me?
Who are you
that I should call you?
What went on at your hotel
this morning?
What do you think?
You tell me,
Mr. Big-City Inspector.
Everywhere you go,
somebody gets killed...
...and I don't like it.
And I don't like you.
So finish your research
and get out of my town.
It's more than research.
You're too stupid to realize that.
- Get out of here.
- The m. o.'s the same.
Ballistics will I.D. The bullet
as from the same gun.
You're not going to do anything
but get your ass out of here!
Right this damn minute or
I swear to Jesus I'll lock you up!
I told you
I don't want you in my store.