Sudden Impact

What went on at your hotel
this morning?

What do you think?
You tell me,
Mr. Big-City Inspector.

Everywhere you go,
somebody gets killed...

...and I don't like it.
And I don't like you.

So finish your research
and get out of my town.

It's more than research.
You're too stupid to realize that.
- Get out of here.
- The m. o.'s the same.

Ballistics will I.D. The bullet
as from the same gun.

You're not going to do anything
but get your ass out of here!

Right this damn minute or
I swear to Jesus I'll lock you up!

I told you
I don't want you in my store.

I've got to talk to you,
you stuck-up asshole.

We've got nothing
to say to each other.

You hear the radio?
Leave my store.
Kruger's dead.
They found him this morning.

He had his balls splattered
all over the front of his pants.

I don't care, Ray.
Same thing happened to Wilburn
in San Francisco.

Remember him?
He's dead.
That's twice I don't care.
Well, you better care, prick!
- I think she's come back.
- Who?

Don't try to pretend with me,
you hypocritical shit!

You dipped your wick
just like the others.

You shut your mouth.
You evil witch.
What's the matter,
afraid somebody's going to hear?
