You've come a long way.
Somebody told us to get it together.
I have a feeling
you've heard that before.
Sorry if I was a little gruff...
...but you and your friend
took me by surprise.
Buy me a beer,
and we'll call it even.
Stay, Meathead.
Waiter, a beer for Mr...?
- And another for me, please.
- Right away.
I'm Jennifer Spencer.
How's police business?
What makes you think I'm a cop?
I saw the commotion. You're either
a cop or public enemy number one.
Some people might say both.
Really? Who?
Bozos with big brass nameplates
on their desks...
...and asses the shape
of the seats of their chairs.
It's a question of methods.
Everybody wants results...
...but nobody wants to do
what they must to get them.
And you do?
I do what I have to.
I'm glad, Callahan.
But you're an endangered species.
It's the age of lapsed
responsibility and defeated justice.
"Eye for an eye" means
"Only if you're caught. "
Then it's an indefinite postponement
and "settle out of court. "
Does that sound profound
or just boring?
Sorry, I'm sure you get
that sort of thing often.
No, I don't hear it enough.
I promise to adjourn Philosophy 101.