Really? Who?
Bozos with big brass nameplates
on their desks...
...and asses the shape
of the seats of their chairs.
It's a question of methods.
Everybody wants results...
...but nobody wants to do
what they must to get them.
And you do?
I do what I have to.
I'm glad, Callahan.
But you're an endangered species.
It's the age of lapsed
responsibility and defeated justice.
"Eye for an eye" means
"Only if you're caught. "
Then it's an indefinite postponement
and "settle out of court. "
Does that sound profound
or just boring?
Sorry, I'm sure you get
that sort of thing often.
No, I don't hear it enough.
I promise to adjourn Philosophy 101.
- What do you do for a living?
- I paint.
Houses, cars, what?
I'm restoring the carousel here.
You don't seem like
a typical San Paulo policeman.
I'm not.
- Typical?
- San Paulo.
San Francisco P.D., Homicide.
Don't say this is your idea
of a vacation.
No, I'm down here on a case.
Just gathering information in general.
Anything interesting?
It's coming around.
Got any theories?