Are you kidding,
it's not even New Year's Eve.
Come here, kiss this beautiful ape.
Come on.
Harrisburg Express...
- What?
- It's my turn to drive.
- No it isn't.
- It is.
- I'm sure you think it is, but it isn't.
- Don't you remember?
you drove the shipment of anchovies.
Yeah, but you had the video tape
recorders this afternoon.
I backed them up about five feet.
We take turns. Sometimes it's longer,
sometimes shorter. It's my turn now.
- No it isn't.
- Yes it is.
- Merry New Year.
- Happy New Year.
In this country, we say, "Happy New Year".
Thank you for correcting my English,
which stinks.
I am Naga Eboko,
exchange student from Cameroon.
Beef jerky time.
- You want some beef jerky?
- No, please.
There's plenty, you know.
This animal's being
routed through to New York.
Its care and feeding instructions
are on this bill of lading.
OK, gotcha.
I doubt you'll have need it but, there's
a tranquilliser gun in the First Aid kit.
- Oh, yeah?
- Say, have you guys been drinking?