I would like to propose a toast.
To a very restful vacation.
Here's to a very relaxing vacation.
To a renewed love affair.
To a time of joy with our kids.
You know, I've never told you this.
I know it's been a rough beginning.
I think there's something wrong here!
It's the bed.
It will slow down in a second.
I got it! Here, hold on to these.
What are you doing?
Let's try this, my darling.
We haven't done this in a long time.
Oh! Clark!
What's that noise?
What's going on?
Don't you kids knock anymore?
Sorry, we thought you were fighting.
No one is fighting in here.
It is very late.
Where is Mom?
I'm under here, kids.
Go back to bed.
Go back to bed now.
The bed was very soft.
It's the same street Wyatt Earp
kept law and order on.
It seems kind of dirty and touristy.
The Old West was dirty.
Everything isn't like home.
If it were, there would be no reason
for leaving home, right, Rusty?
Yeah, Dad. This is great.
I'm glad we didn't go to Hawaii.
I'll bet you are.
Okay, let's go get a drink.