Look at that car!
That's the Family Truckster.
Boy, she's a beaut!
I like those "green walls."
We had some trouble in St. Louis.
Well, you're looking really...
This is your homestead, huh?
Yeah, I don't know for how long, though.
The bank's been after me like
flies on a rib roast.
I know the feeling.
Oh, fuck it!
I bet you could use a cool one?
Now you're talking.
I'm going steady.
And I French kiss.
So? Everyone does that.
Yeah, but Daddy says I'm the best.
Want a worm?
No, thanks.
Do you have Pac-Man?
Space Invaders?
Do you have Asteroids?
No, but my dad does.
He can't even sit on the toilet
some days.
What do you do here, Dale?
Well, I have a stack of
nudie books this high.
She's beautiful!
Would you sell me any of them?
Shit, no! I cherish them!
And I use them a lot!
How do you use a magazine?
I'll tell you how.