Yeah, but Daddy says I'm the best.
Want a worm?
No, thanks.
Do you have Pac-Man?
Space Invaders?
Do you have Asteroids?
No, but my dad does.
He can't even sit on the toilet
some days.
What do you do here, Dale?
Well, I have a stack of
nudie books this high.
She's beautiful!
Would you sell me any of them?
Shit, no! I cherish them!
And I use them a lot!
How do you use a magazine?
I'll tell you how.
A guy taught me something
really neat, last year.
Have you ever bopped your bologna?
I guess we are 11, right?
No, we are 12 with Aunt Edna.
Aunt Edna? Is she still alive?
You bet!
I can't wait to see the look
on Clark's face when he hears that.
She came to help when
Eddie ruptured his spleen...
...and she's been here ever since.
She wanted to go back
to Phoenix last year...
...but Eddie wouldn't let her.
Without her Social Security,
we'd never be able to live like this.
It looks as though you've really
got your hands full.
Oh, it's not so bad!
Eddie says after the baby comes,
I can quit one of my night jobs.