What's the bill?
Come on. How much?
How much do you have?
No, I'm asking how much the repairs are.
I'm asking you, how much do you have.
You're crazy.
I don't have time to play around.
How much is it?
All of it, boy.
What does your sheriff think
of your business practices?
Audrey, how much
baby-sitting money do you have?
How come?
How much?
What's the matter?
I just spent $500
on four bald tires and a tow!
How much do you have?
She has $40, Dad.
How would you know? Unless you went
in my purse, you rotten sneak.
Have you been going through
her private property?
I don't give a frog's fat ass
who went through what.
We need money!
Edna, how much do you have?
She's asleep, Clark!
Russ, do you want to look
through Edna's purse?
Unzip it.
She has 11 cents, Dad.
The motel will cash your check.
They better. We're going to
run out of gas.
I'm sorry, sir.
I can't accept this credit card.
Why not?
The computer says
it's has been reported lost.
My wife lost her credit
cards in Colorado and I reported it.