A telex.
"Report from Lablache to Vercel.
"Marie-Christine Beauty Salon
never existed.
"Mme Vercel
is a heavy better at Nice turf.
"Married Julien Vercel
under false name.
"Real identity: Josiane Kerbel.
"Worked several years as
"so-called "beautician,"
which led to...
"surveillance by Vice Squad.
"Kerbel's murder yesterday
concludes our investigation.
"Signed: Lablache."
Take it to Clement,
but don't tell him I'm here.
Why worry about him?
After all, he's your lawyer.
Give me my raincoat.
Just look!
Can I run around this way?
Now, I'll lock up and remember:
don't answer the phone.
Unless you call.
How will you know?
We'll make up a code:
let it ring once and hang up.
When you ring again,
I'll answer.
Good idea. So long.
Mr. Clement, please.
He's busy. Would you wait?
There's someone in.
Have a seat.
It won't be long.