Is that so?
I already know
that at the Garibaldi,
you insisted on having room 813,
the very one Mme Vercel
had just vacated.
Mr. Vercel...
asked me for some information
on his wife's trip to Nice.
But we both thought she was alive.
At least, I thought so.
But never mind.
I gather you also know
that 3 days ago,
the Lablache agency
got instructions
to check Mme Vercel's past.
When you're about to kill someone,
you don't consult a private eye.
Why not try to find out
who called the agency in Nice?
I'd be on top of things...
if I'd kept your boss locked up.
I had the right to detain him.
Don't leave town
without my permission.
We're in charge.
And if your murdering boss...
He's innocent!
You're really stubborn!
How can I convince you we're dealing
with a dangerous paranoid?
Impressive, aren't they?
Mme Vercel...
Massoulier's car as we found it.
Look at the door.
Now see these fingerprints,
the fingers of Vercel's right hand.
It's very simple.
As I was leaving,
I saw a car with the lights on.
To be helpful, I put them out
and closed the door
with my hand like this.
It would be a miracle
if I'd left no prints!
Did you tell them that?
I couldn't... I didn't know.
When Santelli showed me
the pictures, I was upset.
Because you're a ninny!
Besides, why go to the cops?
I told you to see my lawyer.