Vivement dimanche!

I just want to know...
if "Paths of Glory"
is a love story.

It's a war film
between the French and Germans.
Canons and soldiers.
Are there any women?

The soldiers carry photos
of their wives...

So, it's a love story?
There's love, battles, songs,
emotions and tutti quanti.
Orchestra or balcony?
It's about Mr. Massoulier.
The film is half over
but it's up to you.
Do you know who he met last?
I know who sent you.
If he had any decency,
he would kill himself.

You're all wrong.
Mr. Vercel isn't guilty.

Don't be indecent!
He wasn't the only one.
Many men were drooling
around that bitch.

It turned ugly
when that slut hit town.

Yes, she was a slut!
Go away!
Listen to me!
I too want to know the truth.
Go away!
