It could be. Oh, Jesus, Jennifer!
What am I gonna do? They're gonna
come get me. I'm really screwed!
I'm screwed!
No! Sh! Calm down!
Sh! Calm down, calm down. Listen...
If they were so smart,
they would have found you already.
OK. So all you have to do is throw
the number away and don't call it again.
- That's all.
- Yeah.
- Maybe they didn't trace the call.
- Right! Maybe they didn't trace the call.
I'm sure they didn't trace the call.
All you have to do is act normal.
We'll both act normal
and everything will be fine.
- OK.
- OK.
God! This is so unbelievable!
Can I call Michelle and tell her?
No, Jennifer! Don't call her!
Sorry. All right. I won't.
I'll talk to you tomorrow, OK?
OK. Good night, Jennifer.
Greetings, ProfessorFalken.
Oh, my God.
Incorrect identification.
I am not Falken.
Falken is dead.
Sorry to hear that, Professor.
Yesterday's game was interrupted.
Although primary goal has not yet
been achieved, solution is near.
Game time elapsed:
31 hours 12 minutes 50 seconds.