- What are you doing still up?
- Wait a second, please.
I think I found the plot
for my third novel.
Curiosity about what happens
after death
grew to an obsessive quest.
But we'll go back to the oracles
of the dead on Tuesday.
Tell your classmates
to start showing up.
Have a nice week-end.
Professor Chesi.
- Do you remember me?
- Certainly I do!
Your wife keeps me informed
about the novels you're writing,
and the fact
you haven't graduated yet.
I wrote two and
neither has a publisher.
But now I've got an idea, I mean.
But I need some advice,
an expert opinion.
Witchcraft, magic, resurrections,
devilry, ghosts and haunted houses?
Maybe something along that line.
Do you have a minute?
Let's go to my office.
You can come back in half an hour,
All right, Professor.
Nineteen, an orphan, she swears
she only goes for mature men.
Take a look.
- What are these?
- Two letters.
One is a letter, the other is a kind
of report, but I don't understand.
Later I'll explain how I got hold
of them, but read them first.