and the fact
you haven't graduated yet.
I wrote two and
neither has a publisher.
But now I've got an idea, I mean.
But I need some advice,
an expert opinion.
Witchcraft, magic, resurrections,
devilry, ghosts and haunted houses?
Maybe something along that line.
Do you have a minute?
Let's go to my office.
You can come back in half an hour,
All right, Professor.
Nineteen, an orphan, she swears
she only goes for mature men.
Take a look.
- What are these?
- Two letters.
One is a letter, the other is a kind
of report, but I don't understand.
Later I'll explain how I got hold
of them, but read them first.
The first requires no comment.
It's the second part
of a letter asking for...
Where the writer congratulates
this Goodman character
for having gotten financing
and hopes part of the money
will go to him
so he can finish his work.
Money he probably never got
if he had to pawn his typewriter.
What typewriter?
- What about the second?
- The second?
If it's true, if it isn't
the fruit of your imagination,
it's singular.
- Singular? It's insane!
Besides all these numbers,
temperature, depth...
Here it talks about the guy donating
his own body to the experiment.
Did you read this?
"The barriers of death
shall at last be destroyed,
thanks to our work. My return
to life will signal return of all."