God, where have you been, Terry?
I've had 1 0 days in this place.
I found a guy to
get us a house in Oaxaca.
-Anywhere but here.
-I hope he's for real.
It'll cost all I've got.
-You don't know what it's like.
-Where are we going?
-People can see us.
-If they can, who cares?
Jess, come on.
Will you cool it?
You know we had to separate.
Jake thinks I'm all over
the place looking for you.
I've been to Mexico City,
Cuernavaca, Taxco.
I wired Jake. He thinks
you're in Campeche.
I wonder when was the last time
someone used this court?
Fourteen or fifteen centuries ago,
The games here must've been
incredible. Look at this.
They even wore facemasks
and shoulder pads.
Games were a little more serious
than the ones you play.
They'd play for days. The team that
lost got their heads chopped off.
And the guys who bet on the game...
...wagered themselves,
even their children.
And if they lost, they were slaves.
You're going crazy here, aren't you?
I think I'd be crazy if I weren't.
We're getting out.
To go where?
Another place we don't belong?