Filled with such longing,
such unfulfillable longing.
It seemed to me I was hearing
the voice of God.
Excuse me.
But why?
Why would God choose an obscene child
to be his instrument?
It was not to be believed.
This piece had to be an accident.
It had to be.
It better be.
How good is he, this Mozart?
He's remarkable, Majesty. I heard an
extraordinary opera of his last month.
- Idomeneo, King of Crete.
- That?
A tiresome piece. I heard it too.
A young man trying to impress
beyond his abilities.
Too much spice.
Too many notes.
...it was the most promising work
I've heard in years.
Then, we should make
some effort to acquire him.
We could use a good German composer
in Vienna, surely?
I'm sure he could be tempted
with the right offer. Say...
...an opera in German
for our National Theater.
Excellent, sire!
But not German. I beg, Your Majesty.
Italian is the proper language
for opera.
All educated people agree on that.
What do you think, chamberlain?
In my opinion, it's time
we had a piece in our own language.
Plain German for plain people.
...I must agree with Herr Direttore.