...it was the most promising work
I've heard in years.
Then, we should make
some effort to acquire him.
We could use a good German composer
in Vienna, surely?
I'm sure he could be tempted
with the right offer. Say...
...an opera in German
for our National Theater.
Excellent, sire!
But not German. I beg, Your Majesty.
Italian is the proper language
for opera.
All educated people agree on that.
What do you think, chamberlain?
In my opinion, it's time
we had a piece in our own language.
Plain German for plain people.
...I must agree with Herr Direttore.
German is...
...too brute for singing.
Court composer...
...what do you think?
I think it's an interesting notion
to keep Mozart in Vienna.
It should infuriate the archbishop...
...if that is Your Majesty's
You are cattivo, court composer.
I want to meet this young man.
Arrange a pleasant welcome for him.
Well, there it is!