How are you, Zurikiya?
Piper Simon, I'm not Zurikiya,
I'm a boy, Zurab.
And what has that rascal, your father,
brought you from Gulansharo?
And I brought you some nuts.
If I'm not mistaken, Zurab,
this is our second lesson.
Let's begin.
This is Nino, Georgia's enlightener.
She introduced Christianity here.
Have you seen the cross of vine,
fastened with a woman's hair lock?
And this is the light-faced Tamar.
Dev locked her up in a dark dungeon,
but the darkness lifted,
the doors of the dungeon opened up,
and the divine Tamar is shining again,
as a morning star in the sky.
And this is Parnavaz.
He created our alphabet.
The Holy Virgin,
robed in Sun,
had inspired him
to perform this great act.
There's a statue of Parnavaz
on the lber Mountain in Mzkheta.
And this is Amiran.
The Greeks called him Prometheus.
He had stolen fire from the gods
and given it to mankind.
For this he was chained to a rock
by the gods.
Since then he's been suffering,
suffering, suffering.
When Amiran breaks his chains,
Georgia will become free.
Piper Simon,
thank you for your second lesson.