Beverly Hills Cop

Boss. Boss...
Can l talk to you for a minute?

l heard you got Rand on this case.
He doesn't know the time of day.
Don't mess with me.
He hasn't left his desk in 12 years.
At least he's had 12 years.
Anyway, it's a homicide case and it
belongs to Rand. Go to the hospital.

- Can l ask around a bit?
- Don't do a thing.

You're skating on thin ice as it is.
We're talking about a friend of mine!
Yes, we are, aren't we?
Let's take a close look at that.
One, a hoodlum friend.
Two, a professional hit.

Three, in a cop's apartment.
This whole thing
stinks to high heaven.

- Why a professional hit?
- l didn't just walk into this town.

Whoever killed your friend
wasn't worried about you.

lf they were, you'd be lying
beside him in that meat wagon.

Don't do a damn thing.
Stay out of this.

l'm owed some vacation time.
l want to take my vacation now.

Stay away from this case.
l just need a little vacation,
that's all.

All right, as soon as you finish
at the hospital, you're on vacation.

Thank you.
But if you decide
to butt into this case,

it'll be the longest vacation
you ever heard of.
