We just throw it
to see how far it'll go.
AI used to be on a team.
He used to be a wrestling champ.
Are you guys finished yet?
I'm leaving!
I ain't hanging around with
that creep no more!
Why do you always do this?
You stuck me with...
Shut up!
What are you going to do now?
Fuck it!
You have got to learn...
to be more sociable!
I don't think she liked me.
You got to make them like you.
Talk like you're interested
in all that crap they go on about.
You just got to talk more.
I don't care about what,
as long as it's not flying and birds!
What if that's what
I'm really thinking about?
That's the first thing you got to
understand in your dealings with women.
Never let them know
what you're thinking.
I'm not thinking about them.
Then just lie, for God sakes!
You're the best
goddamn liar I ever met.
Don't you know your chick
had great jugs on her?
I don't understand.
What's the big deal?
- They're just overgrown mammary glands.
- Mammary glands?
Mammary glands?
We're talking tits here!
Big tits!
Round tits.
Fleshy tits.
- Just a lot of dumb development to me.
- Full tits.
Women carry them around
their whole lives.
- Flopping around, getting in the way.
- They don't get in the way.
They're needed.
They're necessary.
I seen a picture in
National Geographic.
Just like on a cow,
but in a more stupid place.
It's not like a cow at all.
I'm telling you for your own good.