Blame It on Rio

That's my friend
Victor Lyons.

He was going through
a bad patch at the time.

This divorce
is gonna kill me.

Phone calls, letters.
Iook at this.
From her lawyers.

Every day something.
If I don't get a letter,
I get a telegram.

We're in more contact

than we ever were

Who knows, maybe the divorce
will save the marriage.

Bite your tongue.
Just one day
in Rio,

you'll forget
all about it.

I promise you.
Tell you the truth,
if it wasn't for Jennifer,
I wouldn't even go.

I don't have to leave town
to be miserable.

It's much cheaper
doing it at home.

When does she get in?
She's on a 3:00 flight.
Imagine what all this
is doing to the kid.

She'll be all right.
Kids are survivors.

Pays to survive, huh?
That's all she wants.

Wish I had herpes.
I say to myself
she likes 'em

handsome and tall
I had to admit
that I'm not
like that at all

I still don't know what
drew her to me overnight?

Let me
look at you.


So are you.
Well, what happened?
You're almost a woman.

I'm strong, too, daddy.
I won't break.

Oh, yeah.
Right. Sure.

Iook, let me take
your things.

Did they feed you?
You must be beat.
Give me your purse

this is some radio
you can get a hernia
from rock and roll.

Poor daddy.
I wanted to tell him
he didn't have to feel
so guilty,

but I just couldn't take
that happiness away from him.

My folks were married
almost 50 years.

Never said a harsh word.
Never said a kind word.
They just didn't speak
is what is was.

And I swore it would be
different for Karen and me.

But something was happening
to our marriage.

Nothing earth-shattering.
Just small signs
that a husband can detect.

Karen, what's wrong?
