- I need a drink.
- Lou, Lou, don't get the jitters.
You get nervous, your performance
goes right into the toiIet.
You start drinking...
Lou, I'II get her there, I promise.
- Just Iet me work out the Iogistics.
- (tyres screech)
Tina! Tina!
And now it's the big day
and things are starting to go wrong.
- Lou is boozing a bit.
- I remember him with the Cutty Sark.
- Now, she spIits. She spIits.
- The girIfriend?
And Danny follows.
She drives and she drives
way the hell out somewhere.
Danny's right on her heels,
but you know how Danny drives.
She winds up an hour later
God knows where.
She's taking Angelina
the fortune-teller's advice.
She's winding up some business
with old friends.
- Tina, we didn't think you were coming.
- Hi, guys. You Iook handsome!
Yeah, weII, I had a change in pIans.
Great. OK, the party can begin.
- Can we heIp you, sir?
- I'm with Tina. I'm a friend of Tina's.
God bIess you. Stay where you are.
You're doing an aces job.
I'II check back with you on my way out.
- I'II Ieave something nice for you.
- AII right.
- Who are you?
- I'm here with Tina.
- I'm her uncIe. Rocco.
- Danny Rose.
- What do you do?
- TheatricaI management.
- What are you Iookin' for?
- Tina.
ReIax. You gotta be
around her every second?
- What do you do, Rocco?
- Cement.
- Cement?
- I own a fIeet of cement mixers.
No kidding? Isn't that
a very big organised cr...? Cement.