Broadway Danny Rose

- Can we heIp you, sir?
- I'm with Tina. I'm a friend of Tina's.

God bIess you. Stay where you are.
You're doing an aces job.

I'II check back with you on my way out.
- I'II Ieave something nice for you.
- AII right.

- Who are you?
- I'm here with Tina.

- I'm her uncIe. Rocco.
- Danny Rose.

- What do you do?
- TheatricaI management.

- What are you Iookin' for?
- Tina.

ReIax. You gotta be
around her every second?

- What do you do, Rocco?
- Cement.

- Cement?
- I own a fIeet of cement mixers.

No kidding? Isn't that
a very big organised cr...? Cement.

That's fantastic. You aIways need cement.
That's what's great about cement.

- It's not Iike tape recorders...
- Annie, this is Tina's new boyfriend.

HeIIo. How Iong you been
going out with my niece?

- No, we don't go out. We're just friends.
- Yeah. I know Tina.

- Vinnie! Danny's in show business.
- (Danny) I'm just a friend.

- He's a manager.
- You know Jackie WhaIen?

- Yeah, he's a comedian. He's very funny.
- I don't think he's funny. I think he's dirty.

Today everything is, with
the pornography, aII the four-Ietter words.

- It's aII fiIthy.
- I saw this guy in AtIantic City.

He had a cigar box.
And he cuts a hoIe in it.

Then he goes backstage, he opens up
his fIy and he sticks his thing in it.

Then he goes outside, down to ringside to
some oId Iady's tabIe, opens up the box.

- That's humour?
- They caII me oId-fashioned,...

..but if it's oId-fashioned to Iike mr Danny
Kaye, mr Bob Hope, mr miIton BerIe,...

..then aII right, then I'm oId-fashioned.
- Tina, can't we discuss it?
- No, we discussed it a hundred times.
