That's fantastic. You aIways need cement.
That's what's great about cement.
- It's not Iike tape recorders...
- Annie, this is Tina's new boyfriend.
HeIIo. How Iong you been
going out with my niece?
- No, we don't go out. We're just friends.
- Yeah. I know Tina.
- Vinnie! Danny's in show business.
- (Danny) I'm just a friend.
- He's a manager.
- You know Jackie WhaIen?
- Yeah, he's a comedian. He's very funny.
- I don't think he's funny. I think he's dirty.
Today everything is, with
the pornography, aII the four-Ietter words.
- It's aII fiIthy.
- I saw this guy in AtIantic City.
He had a cigar box.
And he cuts a hoIe in it.
Then he goes backstage, he opens up
his fIy and he sticks his thing in it.
Then he goes outside, down to ringside to
some oId Iady's tabIe, opens up the box.
- That's humour?
- They caII me oId-fashioned,...
..but if it's oId-fashioned to Iike mr Danny
Kaye, mr Bob Hope, mr miIton BerIe,...
..then aII right, then I'm oId-fashioned.
- Tina, can't we discuss it?
- No, we discussed it a hundred times.
- Then why did you come here today?
- I don't know.
- I guess I shouIdn't have.
- Tina, I Iove you.
- No. No, it's over.
- If I thought that, I'd kiII myseIf.
- Johnny, don't taIk Iike that.
- And you know I'd do it, too.
- You're too emotionaI.
- I wrote you a poem.
I shouIdn't have come.
I'm too mixed up myseIf.
- It's about our month in SiciIy.
- Can't you forget it?
We stroIIed on cIiffs of stone
Like Greeks of ancient times.
Your hair bIew this way and that
mixed with bits of sand.
Our eyes met
And then Iooked out toward the sea
- The bIue Aegean.
- Tina...
- We Iaughed and...
- What are you doin' here?
- I know what you're thinking. Pushy?
- I'm readin' a poem.
I'm sorry. I came to get you.
I wanna know what you're doing here.
- I want you to come with me.
- Who are you?
Danny Rose, theatricaI management.
might I get five minutes with the Iady?
Listen, you know I'm dying to come to
the WaIdorf. But I've been hurt, that's aII.
So this is who's been sending you the
singIe white rose every day? Danny Rose.