Broadway Danny Rose

Yeah, I wanna see Lou,
but he treats me Iousy.

WeII, Lou's crazy about you.
I'm teIIing you.

Tonight's a big shot for him, reaIIy.
Lou's not a kid.
He's trying to make a comeback.

When he sings ''That's Amore'',
that for me is the end.

Isn't it unbeIievabIe what he does
with that song? Isn't that fantastic?

I'm gonna hit you with one word. I'm
gonna say just one word. Sorrento. OK?

Sorrento. Am I Iying?
I Iike it when he takes the microphone off
the stand and starts to sort of throw it.

- That's my gesture. I gave him that.
- No. I saw him years ago.

- He took the microphone off.
- But he didn't throw it from hand to hand.

I gave him that touch. I used to do that.
So you taught him to throw
the microphone from hand to hand.

I taught him everything.
I gave him his gestures,...

..I handIe his budget,
I pick his cIothes, his songs.

And you manage his Iove Iife.
my father - may he rest in peace - said
''In business, friendIy but not famiIiar.''

But what am I gonna do? This is personaI
management. It's a key word. PersonaI.

So, you know, I gotta get invoIved.
Like Herbie Jayson, my bird act.

A cat ate the Iead bird. So I gotta Ieap
right into the breach, you know.

Or my Puerto Rican ventriIoquist.
He's got everything you need
to make it big, but he's a dope addict.

- So I gotta get in there and heIp.
- What can I say?

Now that I see you,
I'm the wrong guy to be the beard.

Who'd beIieve that
such a beautifuI girI wouId date me?

- Come on.
- No, I'm teIIing the truth.

- my hand to God.
- I'm not beautifuI.

I see a Iot of singers and actresses.
You are.

- WeII, you're not so terribIe.
- Yeah. I know one thing, honey.

I'm never gonna be Cary Grant,
I don't care what anybody says.

Can I get a sip of that?
Can I teII you a secret? I'm not just
trying to make you feeI good or anything.

A handsome man never did anything
for me. You know what turns me on?

InteIIectuaI. I'm not just saying this
to make you feeI good or anything.

You're a smooth taIker. AngeIina once
even predicted I wouId marry a Jew.

- Did she happen to say which Jew?
- A Jew or someone musicaI.
