Broadway Danny Rose

So, you know, I gotta get invoIved.
Like Herbie Jayson, my bird act.

A cat ate the Iead bird. So I gotta Ieap
right into the breach, you know.

Or my Puerto Rican ventriIoquist.
He's got everything you need
to make it big, but he's a dope addict.

- So I gotta get in there and heIp.
- What can I say?

Now that I see you,
I'm the wrong guy to be the beard.

Who'd beIieve that
such a beautifuI girI wouId date me?

- Come on.
- No, I'm teIIing the truth.

- my hand to God.
- I'm not beautifuI.

I see a Iot of singers and actresses.
You are.

- WeII, you're not so terribIe.
- Yeah. I know one thing, honey.

I'm never gonna be Cary Grant,
I don't care what anybody says.

Can I get a sip of that?
Can I teII you a secret? I'm not just
trying to make you feeI good or anything.

A handsome man never did anything
for me. You know what turns me on?

InteIIectuaI. I'm not just saying this
to make you feeI good or anything.

You're a smooth taIker. AngeIina once
even predicted I wouId marry a Jew.

- Did she happen to say which Jew?
- A Jew or someone musicaI.

Listen, now we're taIking about something
musicaI, couId you go caII Lou?

Cos the guy needs you. Give him a caII.
Cos it's Iate. We'II get right outta here.
PIease. PIease, darIing.

(Tina) No, Lou. No, it's not that I hate you.
It's just that, you know,
you get me angry sometimes.

Yeah. I'm gonna... I was aIways
gonna be there. I'II be there.

WiII you Iisten to me? I'm coming, OK?
It's just that sometimes you get me crazy.
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, my God. Look!
It's him! She betrayed me with him.
Danny Rose!
(woman) Oh, my God! He drank iodine!
(Johnny) He seduced her away from me!
Were you seeing Tina
whiIe she was going with Johnny?

WouId I do something Iike that? No!
Then who sent the white roses,
one every day?

Johnny! Johnny, what happened?
