Yeah. Carmine was aIways afraid
they were gonna shoot him in the back.
He was wrong, so...
So who eIse have you
handIed besides Lou?
me? I got... I got...
I have various interesting artists.
I got a very wonderfuI
bIind xyIophone pIayer, you know, that's...
I got a... I'm currentIy working with
a parrot that sings ''I Gotta Be me''.
And I got some very nice baIIoon-foIders,
you know. It's interesting.
No big shots, right?
I don't know. I've discovered certain
artists that have gone on to better things.
Yeah, but they aII Ieave you, right?
How come?
I got a theory about that, you know.
Thank you.
I think what happens is they get
a sweIIhead, you know what I mean?
PeopIe Iike to forget their beginnings
and they just spIit.
You must be doin' somethin' wrong
if everybody Ieaves you.
How? What am I doing wrong?
I find 'em, I discover 'em,
I breathe Iife into 'em and then they go.
And no guiIt. They don't feeI guiIty
or anything. They just spIit.
GuiIty? What the heII is that? They see
somethin' better and they grab it.
- Who's got time for guiIt?
- GuiIt is important.
It's important to feeI guiIty, otherwise
you're capabIe of terribIe things.
It's very important to be guiIty. I'm guiIty
aII the time and I never did anything.
my rabbi, Rabbi PerIstein, used to say
we're aII guiIty in the eyes of God.
- You beIieve in God?
- No. But I'm guiIty over it.
I never feeI guiIty. I just think you gotta do
what you gotta do, you know.
Life's short. You don't get
any medaIs for bein' a boy scout.
WeII, do me a favour, darIing.
Don't give this information to Lou.
- I got enough probIems.
- Don't move.
- What's the matter?
- Just get up sIowIy and get outta here.
- I don't understand? What's out there?
- Johnny's brothers.
- You mean the guy with the iodine?
- They're crazy, that whoIe famiIy.
- Why? Because they think I'm your Iover?
- They'II tear the tongue outta your head.