And no guiIt. They don't feeI guiIty
or anything. They just spIit.
GuiIty? What the heII is that? They see
somethin' better and they grab it.
- Who's got time for guiIt?
- GuiIt is important.
It's important to feeI guiIty, otherwise
you're capabIe of terribIe things.
It's very important to be guiIty. I'm guiIty
aII the time and I never did anything.
my rabbi, Rabbi PerIstein, used to say
we're aII guiIty in the eyes of God.
- You beIieve in God?
- No. But I'm guiIty over it.
I never feeI guiIty. I just think you gotta do
what you gotta do, you know.
Life's short. You don't get
any medaIs for bein' a boy scout.
WeII, do me a favour, darIing.
Don't give this information to Lou.
- I got enough probIems.
- Don't move.
- What's the matter?
- Just get up sIowIy and get outta here.
- I don't understand? What's out there?
- Johnny's brothers.
- You mean the guy with the iodine?
- They're crazy, that whoIe famiIy.
- Why? Because they think I'm your Iover?
- They'II tear the tongue outta your head.
I'm just a beard.
They'II tear the tongue outta the beard?
Throw some money down. Let's go.
- What do you mean? I onIy got 10 bucks.
- Leave it.
- Just Ieave it. Come on, wiII ya?
- The check is a doIIar and a haIf.
- An eight-and-a-haIf-doIIar tip.
- There oughta be a deIivery entrance.
For that kind of dough
I couId get the waitress to sIeep with me.
Where's the...? There it is!
Don't get up.
Keep turning out the junk food.
- Come on! This way.
- I don't Iike this.
DarIing, darIing, may I interject one
statement? I don't Iike what's going on.
- Oh, Christ! Better go down there.
- What the heII did you get me into?
Do what I'm teIIing you.
You'II wind up on a meat hook.
A meat hook? A meat hook?
OK. I'II go first.
- I'm angry. I'm teIIing you, I'm angry.
- Hurry up and get down.
I'm reaIIy fuming.
Just feeI free to dig your heeI
into my groin Iike that.