Broadway Danny Rose

I'm just a beard.
They'II tear the tongue outta the beard?

Throw some money down. Let's go.
- What do you mean? I onIy got 10 bucks.
- Leave it.

- Just Ieave it. Come on, wiII ya?
- The check is a doIIar and a haIf.

- An eight-and-a-haIf-doIIar tip.
- There oughta be a deIivery entrance.

For that kind of dough
I couId get the waitress to sIeep with me.

Where's the...? There it is!
Don't get up.
Keep turning out the junk food.

- Come on! This way.
- I don't Iike this.

DarIing, darIing, may I interject one
statement? I don't Iike what's going on.

- Oh, Christ! Better go down there.
- What the heII did you get me into?

Do what I'm teIIing you.
You'II wind up on a meat hook.

A meat hook? A meat hook?
OK. I'II go first.
- I'm angry. I'm teIIing you, I'm angry.
- Hurry up and get down.

I'm reaIIy fuming.
Just feeI free to dig your heeI
into my groin Iike that.

So Danny and Tina, they run.
What's he gonna do? Now he is
not onIy scared. The man is pissed off.

- Sure. Because he didn't do anything.
- You got it.

Wait, wait, wait. Cut to a haIf-hour Iater.
It's a haIf-hour Iater. Now they're Iost.

They're Iost. And he's furious.
He's getting on her nerves.
She's getting on his nerves.

- (Danny) Jesus! Where the heII are we?
- (Tina) AII right, take it easy.

Don't teII me to take it easy,
because I've had enough aIready today.

I'm a personaI manager.
I got a big night ahead of me.

meanwhiIe I'm wandering
around here in North Vietnam.

- We got away, didn't we?
- I got nothing to get away from.
