And here's mr myron Cohen and...
Jesus, where is my bottIe of piIIs?
- How Iong have you had this joint?
- Joint? This is rent-controIIed.
You oughta fix it up.
You're Iiving Iike a Ioser.
Nobody ever comes over,
so what do I care?
Nobody comes over?
You ever been married?
No. I was engaged once
to a dancer, you know,...
..but she ran away with a piano pIayer
and I broke off with her.
- You know what I'd do with this room?
- What?
Liven it up. Do it aII in somethin' up,
you know. Pink, maybe?
- Pink?
- Yeah. You know, you gotta Iighten it up.
Pink with maybe some goId waIIpaper.
And you need fabric, you know.
Like big purpIe piIIows or somethin'.
maybe some incense.
What is this?
A Turkish whorehouse? I Iive here.
I'm serious. You gotta Iighten it up.
maybe some bamboo furniture. Bamboo.
I aIways wanted to do a room
in bamboo with, Iike, zebra skins.
- ReaIIy? Are you serious?
- Why not? It's exciting.
What you're taIking about
is Iike a tropicaI motif, right?
- It's funny, cos actuaIIy I Iike bamboo.
- ReaIIy?
Picture, Iike, hanging pIants maybe,
and a reaIIy nice tiIe fIoor.
Bamboo furniture.
It's very beautifuI and very dramatic.
- You got an eye for drama.
- You reaIIy think so?
You sound surprised.
Nobody ever Iiked
my African-jungIe idea before.
I aIways had this as a dream.
You're the first person ever Iiked it.
I'm wiIIing to bet that you're fuII
of good ideas, but you Iack confidence.
- You don't have any confidence.
- It's my big probIem as a decorator.
Sure, it's Iike the acts I handIe.
I couId straighten you out in no time at aII.
Cos I don't see you just decorating IittIe
joints and IittIe apartments in the suburbs.
I see you doing your goId waIIs
and your Turkish piIIows...
..and aII that garbage in hoteIs
and embassies and stuff.
- ReaIIy?
- Yeah, naturaIIy.
- You couId. I can smeII it.
- I don't think so.
The boat's saiIed for me. I shouId have
been more serious when I was younger.