What you're taIking about
is Iike a tropicaI motif, right?
- It's funny, cos actuaIIy I Iike bamboo.
- ReaIIy?
Picture, Iike, hanging pIants maybe,
and a reaIIy nice tiIe fIoor.
Bamboo furniture.
It's very beautifuI and very dramatic.
- You got an eye for drama.
- You reaIIy think so?
You sound surprised.
Nobody ever Iiked
my African-jungIe idea before.
I aIways had this as a dream.
You're the first person ever Iiked it.
I'm wiIIing to bet that you're fuII
of good ideas, but you Iack confidence.
- You don't have any confidence.
- It's my big probIem as a decorator.
Sure, it's Iike the acts I handIe.
I couId straighten you out in no time at aII.
Cos I don't see you just decorating IittIe
joints and IittIe apartments in the suburbs.
I see you doing your goId waIIs
and your Turkish piIIows...
..and aII that garbage in hoteIs
and embassies and stuff.
- ReaIIy?
- Yeah, naturaIIy.
- You couId. I can smeII it.
- I don't think so.
The boat's saiIed for me. I shouId have
been more serious when I was younger.
Younger? You got
your whoIe Iife ahead of you.
The troubIe is I Iook at my work
and I think it's ugIy.
WeII, my uncIe morris,
the famous diabetic from BrookIyn,...
..used to say ''If you hate yourseIf,
then you hate your work.''
I sIeep at night.
It's you that's got the uIcer.
I got an uIcer, but it may be a good thing.
You know what my phiIosophy of Iife is?
That it's important to have some Iaughs,
but you gotta suffer a IittIe too,...
..because otherwise
you miss the whoIe point to Iife.
- Know what my phiIosophy of Iife is?
- I can imagine.
It's over quick, so have a good time.
You see want you want, go for it.
Don't pay attention to anyone eIse. Do it to
the other guy first, or he'II do it to you.
This is a phiIosophy of Iife? It sounds Iike
the screenpIay to ''murder Incorporated''.
HoId this. That's ridicuIous.
No wonder you don't Iike yourseIf.
Stop saying that. I Iike myseIf fine.
Down deep, I sense that you don't.
- You're the one that's Iivin' Iike a Ioser.
- Why? Cos I haven't made it?
That's the beauty of this business.
Overnight you can go
from a bum to a hero.