- So Danny names Barney Dunn.
- Can't they check that?
They do check it. They tie up
Danny and Tina and they go to check it.
What am I doing here?
How did I get into this? Why me?
What did I do to deserve this
that I'm here now?
You were reaIIy quick
to come up with that name so fast.
Great. That's wonderfuI. Let me teII you
something, darIing. I was traumatised.
my body went into shock
when they stuck that gun in you.
I thought they're gonna kiII us,
I'm gonna be dead,...
..and miIton is coming
to the WaIdorf soon.
Listen, they're gonna be back
in a minute. We gotta do something.
I can't move a finger.
I'm tied up here Iike a pig.
- If we couId get outta these ropes.
- I can't.
They just Ieft one guy out there.
There's two of us.
But Iet me remind you, he's got an axe.
The man has an axe.
- There'II be four of us in no time.
- maybe we couId sneak away.
You know what I'm thinking, though.
I used to handIe...
I used to handIe
an escape artist named Shandar...
..who couId get outta ropes, but... the
probIem is you gotta be standing up to...
And even then I'm not sure we couId do it.
Let me ask you something.
Do you think it's possibIe
we couId work our way off this tabIe?
I can hardIy move.
Try with me. I'm serious.
- Try a IittIe bit. Come on, give it a try.
- You're so heavy.
Just try. Just do what I'm teIIing you.
Come on. It'II happen. move. move!
- OK? You aII right?
- Yeah.
Try and puII. That's it.
See? It's not so tough.
Very good. That's it.
Try and sIide down. That's it.
That's it. Very good. SIowIy.
That's it. SIowIy. That's it. Come on.
Now puII. Come on. Hard.
That's it. That's it.
A IittIe more. I think we got it. AttagirI.
That's right. OK.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
Very good. Now, we're...