City Heat

We thought you were Mahoney...
...president of the Landlord's
Malevolent Association.

- Behind in our rent again.
- The word is "still."

Tell Mr. Mahoney to fix the plumbing,
or we're gonna move to a better dump.

Mike, catch me. I'm gonna faint.
I suppose Murphy and Swift...
...are financially delinquent
with regards to their secretary.

- Somewhat.
- One week, two weeks?

- Three.
- For shame.

- Months.
- Oh, now that's what I call loyalty.

And a little bonus. How's that?
Addy, take a letter somewhere.
Yes, sir, Mr. Murphy. Sir.
Free Spirit in the seventh.
You've never been that lucky,
and you ain't that smart.

- People change.
- Not you.

I heard a rumor about you last night.
Taletelling, Mike?
- I didn't figure you were the type.
- Snot balls play hard.

It warms my cockles knowing you care.
You're not that good, Dehl.
Hello. Hey, sugar.

Tonight at 8?
Okay. Bye-bye.

Gotta breeze, Mike.
Promises to keep and all.
Oh, by the way...
...don't be surprised if you receive
a little bonus soon.

Why would that happen?
Maybe because
you're the only guy around...

...who's got trouble
telling dark from light.

- Take care of yourself.
- Oh, yeah.

Don't spend it all in one place.
I won't even ask.
- I appreciate that.
- Here.
