What does this
key unlock?
A treasure.
A jewelled horn.
Only she can procure it.
Only she can
lead you to it.
And when she has it,
you'll bring her
back to me.
Then you will have
your reward.
We shall both have everything we want...
through magic.
[ Girl Screaming ]
- [ Screaming ]
- Shh. It's all right. Don't be afraid.
- [ Gasping ]
- It's only a dream. It's only a dream.
- No! I saw--
- A dream. Jehnna, it was only a dream.
- Be still. Lie down.
- I-l saw it!
- No, you saw--
- I saw it again!
- You saw nothing. A nightmare.
- I did!
- Imaginings out of excitement.
- I did!
- Go back to sleep.
- I saw it again.
- Shh.
- I saw it. I did, I saw it.
Tomorrow, you'll start
your journey.
You'll need all your strength.
Your destiny is at hand.
- [ Thunderclap ]
- Sleep.
Shh. Shh.
[ Softly ]
All our destinies are at hand, even
Conan's, though he doesn't yet know it.
We don't need him,
my queen.
I don't need the Captain of the Guard
to steal a key.
That is a task
for a thief.
What I do need you for,
is to see that this dear child
is returned safely to the palace...
with both the treasure
and her virginity intact.
I will protect them both.
You better, my friend, for she must be
a virgin when she's returned to me...
so she can be
properly sacrificed.