Conan the Destroyer

One other thing, Bombaata.
It is not wise to have
the King of Thieves near the treasure.

So when the key
is in my niece's hand,

I want your sword
in Conan's heart.

Have the Elite Guard follow. They will
strike at the right moment to help you.

Conan must die.
Do you think
he's handsome?

[ Bombaata ]
Very ugly.

No, not him.
Can't you judge
for yourself?

But how can I?
How many times
have I seen a man?

A real man?
All I've seen is you.
[ Laughing ] Meaning no insult
to you, Bombaata.

Yes, he is handsome.
[ Dog Barking ]
[ Birds Twittering ]
Conan, wait!
We must go this way.

- Not yet.
- But you have to obey me.

Weren't you told?
There are rules to every game.

[ Conan ] I believe you,
but there's magic in this game.

You'll have to be able
to fight it with magic.
