Friends, let me introduce myself.
Peltzer's the name.
Rand Peltzer.
That's me there on the corner.
I'm an inventor.
And I have a story to tell.
I know.
Who hasn 't got a story?
Well, nobody's got a story
like this one.
It all started here in Chinatown.
I was trying
to move a little merchandise...
...maybe find a present
for my kid.
I tried this one place.
Wait a minute.
What's down here?
This is it.
This is your grandfather's store?
Come on.
No wonder you gotta drag
people in off the street.
Go ahead, mister.
Look around.
See if there's something you like.
Are these things real?
I told you. Everything's real.
You do have
interesting artifacts here. . .
. . .but there's one thing
you don't have.
And what's that?
Let me show you.
I'm an inventor. I made this.
The Bathroom Buddy.
The invention of the century.
It eliminates the need to carry
heavy luggage when you travel.