This is your grandfather's store?
Come on.
No wonder you gotta drag
people in off the street.
Go ahead, mister.
Look around.
See if there's something you like.
Are these things real?
I told you. Everything's real.
You do have
interesting artifacts here. . .
. . .but there's one thing
you don't have.
And what's that?
Let me show you.
I'm an inventor. I made this.
The Bathroom Buddy.
The invention of the century.
It eliminates the need to carry
heavy luggage when you travel.
You got yourself
your shaving mirror. . .
. . .your toothbrush, a toothpick.
You got toenail clippers. . .
. . .a nail file. . .
. . .and you got yourself
a dental mirror.
This is gonna revolutionize traveling.
Let's just say,
for the sake of argument. . .
. . .that you're on a bus,
a plane or a train.
You forgot to brush your teeth.
You got yourself a bad case
of dragon breath.
Bad breath.
What do you do?
No problem, friend.
All you do is. . .
. . .you take your toothbrush out. . .
. . .and you push this button.
That's absolutely no problem.
Cleans up easily.
What I'd like to do, sir,
is give you my card.
Rand Peltzer. "Fantastic ldeas
for a Fantastic World. "
I make the illogical logical.
I can get you these.
I can get them by the dozen
if you'd like.