Boys, forget aII Ieaves!
EIections are coming!
-What about that coffee?
-Coming up!
Let me pinch you
a IittIe!
Boys! You are aII screwed...
-Didn't I teII you to report us?
-I'm not your servant!
What's going on here?
-Who's that?
-PapadopouIos. You know.
So, you're PapadopouIos!
The name rings a beII!
Leave the boy aIone,
you fruitcake!
Out of here, aII of you!
And three days confinement
for aII present!
And who are you?
Private PapadopouIos Ioannis,
Infantry rifIeman...
-Where are you from?
-From FiIiatra, sir.
Any reIation to
CoI. PapadopouIos?
No, CoIoneI sir!
Report to the CoIoneI
I don't want to see you again
here during duty hours! Go!
Who are these peopIe?
Singers... Musicians...
And what are they
doing here?
It's what they caII...
''Sponsored programmes''...
Private PapadopouIos
I've got your
record here...