But they're giant sheep, sir!
We've assumed an obIigation
towards our peopIe...
to maintain the purity
of our Ianguage!
-Did I make myseIf cIear?
-Yes, sir!
Bastards, one of these days
I'II have your asses!
You wait here,
tiII I caII you.
The idiocy of the fathers
is visited upon the sons!
-And what your MOS might be?
There's a Iucky bastard!
Out of quarters
aII the time!
-You reaIIy know this job?
-I was working for Finos FiIm.
The Finos musicaIs!
Shut up and work,
so we can get those passes!
With this we won't get
even a 24 hour pass!
-Who's she?
-The Staff-Sergeant's chick.
I've got it! A nude sketch!
Can you do it? By memory?
I can even draw a nude
of the Queen herseIf!
Shut up! I'm trying
to work here!
Who's going for
coffees today?
I think it's PapadopouIos'
The boy just got here,
you shit!
-Me again?
-Shut up, greenhorn!
-You write the news in EngIish?
-That's another job, my boy.
He Iooks miserabIe, but he's
a secret agent for Reuter!
Shut up, Lambrou!
I'm aIso a correspondent...
Just to make a Iiving...
He's got obIigations.
How's Cindy? StiII
Iooking for a job?