I've got it! A nude sketch!
Can you do it? By memory?
I can even draw a nude
of the Queen herseIf!
Shut up! I'm trying
to work here!
Who's going for
coffees today?
I think it's PapadopouIos'
The boy just got here,
you shit!
-Me again?
-Shut up, greenhorn!
-You write the news in EngIish?
-That's another job, my boy.
He Iooks miserabIe, but he's
a secret agent for Reuter!
Shut up, Lambrou!
I'm aIso a correspondent...
Just to make a Iiving...
He's got obIigations.
How's Cindy? StiII
Iooking for a job?
What's new, sIob?
-A cigarette?
-Take one and scram!
I said one!
Bumming again!
I toId you not to come here!
I came for PapadopouIos.
-We're going out shooting.
-I'm coming too.
-Where are you going?
-What about the coffees?
-Stick them in...
In the fridge...
That's better...
-And who caIIed you?
-I'm repIacing Papadakis, sir.
WiII you be needing Iights
at the AcropoIis, my boy?
It depends on what
we'II shoot, sir.
A singer... EmmanueIa...
We'II need a coupIe
of refIectors.
You know how
to handIe those?
-Of course, sir.
You'II go and pick her up
from the HiIton at 10 a.m.
WiII she sing
on pIay-back?
I don't care how
she sings...