A soccer game
on Wednesday!
Some good money for you!
We're champions!
What's new?
Come on, sit down...
Who's that?
Lekas... He repairs aII
our equipment...
Is he aIways Iike that?
He aImost went crazy...
poor guy...
They had him on Pioneers'
BataIIion and kept beating him.
And I mean reaI beating...
The CoIoneI
saved him too...
TeII me...
Are there many
of us here?
You can say that again!
It's the speciaIty, you see!
go to the gate!
Aren't you PapadopouIos?
-A girIfriend?
-Yeah... With two babies!
BeautifuI babies!
-You didn't caII.
-They Ieft me no time at aII!
Let me have
a Iook at them!
The IittIe whores how they
grew in two months!
That's Maria, right?
It's a good thing they took
after their mother!
Stay cIose, eh?
He was teIIing me that
this is a TV station!
-That's why I'm here!
-So,you'II be sIeeping at home!
We're on the aIert now...
EIections are coming...
We need money... I can't
work at home anymore...
I can't cut negatives...
and cIean the babies' shit
at the same time!
The other day a producer came
to pay me and was quite shocked
-And mother sent nothing?
-Not a penny.
She caIIed onIy to teII me...