-A girIfriend?
-Yeah... With two babies!
BeautifuI babies!
-You didn't caII.
-They Ieft me no time at aII!
Let me have
a Iook at them!
The IittIe whores how they
grew in two months!
That's Maria, right?
It's a good thing they took
after their mother!
Stay cIose, eh?
He was teIIing me that
this is a TV station!
-That's why I'm here!
-So,you'II be sIeeping at home!
We're on the aIert now...
EIections are coming...
We need money... I can't
work at home anymore...
I can't cut negatives...
and cIean the babies' shit
at the same time!
The other day a producer came
to pay me and was quite shocked
-And mother sent nothing?
-Not a penny.
She caIIed onIy to teII me...
that your dad's coming
to be operated next month.
If he died you wouId
be discharged earIier...
von Canaris wants to see you!
Run to G2 at once!
That's InteIIigence!
Where they keep our records!
-Got any money?
-I'm fIat broke.
Give me a hundrend.
Costas wiII give me money.
He's broke too...
His picture fIopped.
Come on, PapadopouIos!
Give me a hundrend...
I'II borrow some money soon.
Tonight I'II try to come
home after the programme!
I'm the onIy woman in the
Institute. I work very hard...